Sonam Kapoor’s look from Rajkumar Hirani’s much publicised Sanju is out and we are impressed already. The film is set to release next month and as promised, the filmmaker is all set to release every actor’s look from the film every day till May 30 which is the official date of the release of the trailer. In the poster, Sonam is seen in a jubilant mood with a young Sanjay Dutt portrayed oh-so-so perfectly by Ranbir! From this we get to see his merry, chocolate boy side which is so different from the grungy, action hero type image portrayed to us till now. Sonam’s look is total retro and suits her perfectly. Raju Hirani who is also close friend to Sanju wrote on Twitter, “A still from #Sanju’s crazy romantic love life! #SanjuTrailer out in 5 days on May 30th. #RanbirKapoor @VVCFilms @foxstarhindi @sonamakapoor.”
In an interview Sonam had refused to give any details about her role to media but when quizzed if she is playing Madhuri Dixit in the film, she replied in negative saying that she is not playing an actress in the film. The latest poster of Sanju unveils yet another facade of the colourful life of Sanjay Dutt. The newest aspect of the film showcases a free spirited Ranbir Kapoor playing Dutt along with Sonam Kapoor who will be seen as his love interest in the film.
With Sonam Kapoor, Rajkumar Hirani is all set to give the audience glimpses into the crazy, controversial love life of Sanjay Dutt in the 80s. After intriguing the fans with multiple posters showcasing the varied looks of Sanjay Dutt spanning his life, director Rajkumar Hirani unveils yet another poster of the much awaited biopic. The poster touches upon the controversial love life of Sanjay Dutt. While instances from his love life made headlines in the 80’s, 90’s and millennial, the film promises to present the lesser known instances of Sanjay Dutt’s trysts.
The latest poster introduces Sonam Kapoor for the first time. While earlier posters and teaser revealed only Ranbir Kapoor’s looks in the film, the latest poster gives us a glimpse of another character for the first time. The teaser showcased a young Sanju mention about 308 women being a part of his life, the poster further pumps up excitement levels, to know yet another aspect of one of Bollywood’s most interesting actors.
Stay tuned to Bollywood Hungama for more deets on Sanju which is releasing on June 29.
Also Read : Veeres Kareena Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor’s UNSEEN childhood pictures will get you all mushy
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